I like the ideal of work being judged for what it is & not the name behind it. Perhaps for some things this is more selfless or universal. No one knows who invented the wheel. Then there's Satoshi too.
For other things like a book or a piece of music I might take the other side & say that its better to have skin in the game. You put your name on it as you need to be able to answer to criticism.
Having an alias doesn't mean you make it and leave it, you are just keeping your face out the your work.
Even in books and music, there's many people who don't have a face associated with their content.
Nicknames, pseudonyms and aliases let you conceal yourself while been able to listen and reply to you users, reader or whatever.
"Skin in the game" identity is not making people more accountable in the fiat world online, it is making us more vulnerable to corruption.
Anons are people to they can treat their work with just the same care, if not more. Public identification often indicates that the actions are less selfless and likely less timeless and less responsible. I think seems counter intuitive because it's mainly just an internet thing.