I know many don't like nationalism. I don't as well but its all statism. As people decided they don't like living under an unaccountable super state they will push to leave the EU. I can't help but see this as progress. Nationalism is also bad. Here's an idea. The sovereign individual! But we aren't gonna just jump to that point. I mean, I can't see it.
My wife sighs when we are with people and someone brings up the threat of nationalism. I usually start ripping the narrative apart. I mean the average American has always been a nationalist. Its only in recent history that they've been programmed to think its a bad thing. To be clear, it is a bad thing but being a globalist isn't better. Most people worried about nationalism are clueless. At least in my experience.
My least favorite take is the "Christian Nationalism" fear mongering. I've been around evangelical Christianity my whole life and I can tell you. Since the 90s at least evangelicals have been what many call "Christian Nationalist". First off most US citizens are nationalists. That's both parties. The left is less so these days. But growing up everyone was a nationalist. Christians (like me) supported Bush. I think think Trump just exposed the political priorities of Christians. They will wink at his personal immorality because in their view he is standing up to the left. He's fighting for them. It exposes the position they place politics in their world view. It is above God sadly. I had this realization in the early 2000s. Realized that politics was an idol(small g god). So, this isn't new. Its bad but for different reasons than people talk about.
I will say it is a mistake to lump all Christians and even evangelicals into one box. I know many that reject nationalism, and statism. They don't place politics in the place of God. I also know progressive Christians that do the same thing conservative Christians do. They are just blind to it. It is interesting, if you look at the progressive era and specifically Woodrow Wilson you see the other side of Christian nationalism. The social gospel. Wilson's "faith" was a driving force behind his "making the world safe for democracy" thing. Its my view that he was a massive factor in setting up Hitler's Germany. But that's a thread for a different day.