So even some shitcoins are too big to fail now it seems.
When all you have is a bailout everything looks like it needs a bailout
I really wish they wouldn't group Bitcoin and "crypto" together. All the lobbiest's they're talking about are promoting those other bad projects though.
“We’re counter-lobbying, that’s what this letter is about,” said signatory and software developer Stephen Diehl. “The crypto industry has its people, they say what they want to the politicians.”
The aim is to reach across party lines. The letter is addressed to both Senate Majority and Minority Leaders Charles Schumer and Mitch McConnell, as well as leading senators such as Republican Patrick Toomey and Democrat Ron Wyden, both of whom have previously supported some aims of the crypto industry.
The link for this post uses an archive of the article from the Financial Times' website. The archive has no paywall, no subscription requirement, and can be easier to read. The original article on the FT website is:
Tech experts urge Washington to resist crypto industry’s influence
PS -- They seem to have sent out tons of press releases about this, given the wide coverage of such a benign piece of writing. If you're a journalist covering this, you really ought to put it in context. My DMs are open; I'm happy to chat.
The letter itself is featured in a post, here on SN, separately:
There have been a number of responses to the letter, such as this one by Preston Byrne:
Debunking the Crypto Critics Letter | Preston Byrne #33400