The first command returns the hash for block #0 (genesis bock):
$ bitcoin-cli getblockhash 0

The second command should end with the number 2 for max verbosity (not 22) and returns the the block corresponding to that hash:
$ bitcoin-cli getblock 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f 2
{ "hash": "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f", "confirmations": 704426, "height": 0, [...] "tx": [ { "txid": "4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b", "hash": "4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b", [...] "vin": [ { "coinbase": "04ffff001d0104455468652054696d65732030332f4a616e2f32303039204368616e63656c6c6f72206f6e206272696e6b206f66207365636f6e64206261696c6f757420666f722062616e6b73", "sequence": 4294967295 } ], "vout": [ { "value": 50.00000000, "n": 0, [...] } ], [...] } ] }

The third command converts the coinbase for that block from hex to ascii
$ echo 04ffff001d0104455468652054696d65732030332f4a616e2f32303039204368616e63656c6c6f72206f6e206272696e6b206f66207365636f6e64206261696c6f757420666f722062616e6b73 | xxd -r -p
EThe Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

Provided you have jq installed you can do it all at once, for any block for example:
$ bitcoin-cli getblock "$(bitcoin-cli getblockhash 704429)" 2 | jq -r '.tx[].vin[].coinbase' | xxd -r -p
Thanks for the breakdown. The OPs post would have been better had he done that and he may very well have spotted the '22' typo. Not that I think that it made any difference to the output, but it is (as your post points out) none the less an error that should not be there.