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LITERALLY And people still go to vote, pay taxes, listen to politicians, obey the so called "laws", protest in the streets...
And they ignore totally @Lux posts... #331658
Will we ever, as a society, stop voting, paying taxes, listening to politicians, obeying the law, and protesting in the streets?
Society is just a bunch of idiots following orders. Just be a sovereign individual. and don't give a shit about the sheeps. Each individual will start doing all the herd shit, when will decide to be a sovereign individual.
Until then will eat the shit from the "society".
The thing that worries me the most is not that there are sheep. It is that there are sheep that follow blindly without question. I don't believe that there will ever be a society without blind sheep, at least not on a global scale. Unfortunately, I can't imagine it any other way, not that I don't want to.
I am strongly recommending to watch this very good Q&A with Mark Passio and Larken Rose.
The video is an hour and twenty minutes long, I saw the first five minutes. Now I can't watch it all, but I will.
That's why I am saying over and over: start being a sovereign individual. Leave the herd do its stupid shit, you live your life in peace as you please.
Lol. Took me a sec to understand but now I'm up to date. 🤣