You really have the Value4Value mentality!
I think you're using web-components and angular from what I see on the source, I love web-components too!
And advice I can give is to be careful about overlapping content and scrollable containers, like in the "Games" page cards.
Also the navigation on mobile is not working properly, it seems to be showing over the content even when it's closed.
Apart from that, it's a really nice website, lot of content for who is interested in LN projects and tools.
Great job, i'll surely look at it once in a while to see if there's something new.
Thanks a lot!! šŸ™šŸ»
Yep, I tried Vue and React, but I'm used to Angular right now.
šŸ¤” Also some friends and family had problems with overlapping and scrolls.
Not my case, so, it is hard to test and repair. Gonna look whenever I have time.
Thanks a lot for those tips.
It's probably due to fixed heights.
Looking again, I found the .content-games-item class has min-height: 450px and max-height: 450px; set to it.
Generally you shouldn avoid forcing the height (at least not max-height), You're already using display: grid on the cards container, their height will be automatically adapted to the longest one, if the button seems to stick on top leaving a gap, you can push down them by expanding the flex items above with flex: 1 or by setting a margin-[top|block-start]: auto on the buttons container.
Hope it helps you, keep it up!