I recently bought coffee from the P2P market https://t.me/bitcoinp2pmarketplace and besides being the best tasting coffee I've ever had there is a magical experience that takes place with peer to peer commerce.
I trade my valuable btc for another valuable product and no one else is involved in the trade. Very similar to v4v with podcasting or the beef initiative with interactions with a local rancher. Commerce between two people is one of the strongest bonds that can be formed.
Love it, we really need more of these to build the circular economy and get people used to conducting daily purchases in bitcoin, once they see how easy it is, and examples of people doing it
people need people. and just like family, trade brings people together. there is nothing more powerful than money acting as a bridge between people
Bitcoin will bring about free markets, regardless of what the control freaks want.
Wonderful, I will give it a try. Thanks!