(maybe views not reads, I think it was a TV interview) I hope you detected a tinge of sarcasm.
I'm not currently Twitter scrolling. Is this referencing the same story when her adam's apple was expounding "It will come, it will come" .. after being asked when/how the EU is going to be plugging its sinkhole of fiscal deficit?
Man, we should do a show on SN about politics. With Darth
Who would you like as our first special guest?
I'd definitely be up for that.
At the end of the show we could use the full power of the death star or maybe just x3 antminer s9s to cause as much damage to the nefarious ilk destroying modern life with dumbass regulation/blatant thievery as therapeutic relief on each show.
I think it's swinging like a sack of balls (no girls here reading, no?)