Well said. I think can be summed up nicely by "the state is a false god".
Thanks. She's a keeper. So thankful to have her as my partner in this life.
I remember where I was when that became clear to me. And then it became clear to me that many Christians put more faith in this idol than God. Its sad. Politics is often above the teachings of Jesus for Christians in the US. I can't speak to other religions or nations. My sense is that this is the case for those as well though. I could write an article on this subject but it would take a lot of time for me to get it right.
This hits home. I got up with my kids and left a Presbyterian dedication for summer camp last year when they starting preaching on Ukraine and how evil Russia was. Regardless what you think about the war, that type of speech has no place in a church. A whole country is not evil. I know many great Russians. WWJD?
Yeah, the programming is deep. It goes both ways too. Conservative and progressive Christians often allow politics (the world) to influence their views more that Jesus.