I've already said here on SN that I don't speak ill of any country I've been to, I just try to pick out the good things, and it's certainly no different here, I'm impressed by the humility of the Salvadoran people, a country whose popular beliefs about money and public safety are being overcome. Coming here has given me hope for our world, maybe we don't have so many strong political figures to tackle all these real problems head on, in fact most of them turn a blind eye and don't want to touch the wounds of those who claim to be "for social equality", these groups that only bring disorder to the world.Well this text is not about politics, but it is directly related to our main topic, BITCOIN. And here I see a government that really believes in this protocol, and people who are very humble and warrior-like, and it's only a matter of time before the world media is forced to tell the whole truth. The critical point is the technology for everything to work properly, but for our time that seems like nothing considering what they've accomplished here in such a short time. That's what I really believe, my personal experience here.
Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to see how this plays out!
In my opinion I was quite sincere, I see no reason to criticize this country, they are doing the best with the resources they have, the need for more technology to make everything work properly is true, but overall they are on the right track.
Glad to hear this. I'm looking forward to experiencing this first hand in April for the Bitcoin Halving Party πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
That's good my friend, come without emotions, be rational and you will have a unique experience. The charisma of these people will enchant you.
That's great, El Salvador is one of the countries I want to know and from a distance I have faith that that system could improve a lot thanks to its open mind towards technologies like Bitcoin.
As I mentioned in my comment, the biggest barrier they have broken down is human faith. There is criticism here, but anywhere in the world you will find it, if there is corruption, who can prove anything, and I won't be able to find out, but yes friend, they are on the right track. I can only imagine that if a great power with a lot of technological and structural resources did the same thing, the impact would be much greater.
ps: Maybe I misspoke, the mental limitation was overcome here, not the faith, but if you understood correctly, I'm happy.