Quote from EU regulation
This Regulation shall apply to transfers of funds, in any currency, which are sent or received by a payment service provider or an intermediary payment service provider established in the Union. It shall also apply to transfers of crypto- assets, including transfers of crypto-assets executed by means of crypto-ATMs, where the crypto-asset service provider, or the intermediary crypto-asset service provider, of either the originator or the beneficiary has its registered office in the Union
  1. Who is EU regulator? Did I have any contract with those politicians to represent me or have any authority over me?
  2. They talk about "crypto-assets" not Bitcoin, as money, as data, as energy, as code...
If you fall for their trap, you are lost. You simply answer with "yes" when they will ask you "do you under-stand ?"
What does it means under-stand? It means you obey to stand UNDER their rules and regulations, you ACCEPT and CONSENT their rules. A simple "no , I do not stand under your rules ie enough.*
WHEN PEOPLE WILL REALLY COMPREHEND THIS ASPECT? Belief in the existence of government is the most dangerous superstition!