I'm migrating away from Ledger -- for many reasons -- but along the way I noticed this gem from their docs:
Feature no longer supported This feature is no longer supported on the latest versions of Ledger Live at the moment.
Good to know for anyone who's encountering the same issue.
Sparrow Wallet still allows you to connect to your own node
aah, didn't realise you could do this
Yes, would have been nice to be advised (and maybe they sent something as it seems every fraudster on the Internet has), and the cost of restoring use of their servers is adding all your accounts again.
Anyway, using Electrum, so no loss, except of course of my email address by Ledger to scammers and spammers.
PSA: don't buy a ledger worst signing device on the market for bitcoin
Becomes a signer in a multi-sig set up now
this isn't new. But definitely a reason to move away!
Ledger has been making brutal moves. Trying to apease the NFT bro's it looks like
Incredible... These shitcoiners can't avoid doing shit over and over.
They’re making up for that by ‘securing’ your NFT collection, amirite?
Yeah you're better off using sparrow or electrum with your ledger, Ledger live is a shitcoin app