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I tend to listen to interviews with Michael Saylor (especially the Saylor Series with Breedlove).
I just replay an old Ben Bernanke speech from 2008
Subprime is contained?
If helicopter Ben said so, it had to be true.
I had no clue what was going on at that time. I was working my ass off to try and move up the corporate ladder, had just started my business as a side business at that point, had just bought my first home, was getting married (first marraige-didn't even last a year-yikes).
I knew there was turmoil in the US but honestly didn't really know the magnitude until I started really getting into markets a few years later.
Luckily I had no trust in the system and saw the writing on the wall. We were starting a big, expensive renovation on our house. I pulled the plug just in time. It could have been personally ugly.
Skepticism for the save.
Can you link it dawg?
It's been a while since I needed to be convinced about bitcoin. This article from 2007 gives you the general idea of how clueless the Fed was before the collapse: https://www.forbes.com/2007/05/17/bernanke-subprime-speech-markets-equity-cx_er_0516markets02.html
Who still have doubts about Bitcoin and LN, can just go fuck himself. If you still have doubts, please SELL all your sats right now and go back to CBDC. Bitcoin is NOT for you.
I think it’s ok to have a little doubt sometimes so that you can reflect on why you are doubting and then solidify your conviction by disproving your doubt. Similar to adversarial thinking maybe?
Not so much doubt but I do get discouraged when I see how clueless people are to what's going on around them and question why they just keep doing the same shit but expecting different results and are apprehensive about Bitcoin.
So maybe that is a doubt in a way. The idea that maybe people will just never get it.
I also like to listen to podcasts with people super convicted about Bitcoin to strengthen my resolve.
We are going to win but we can't be complacent. Bitcoin will do its thing and we need to keep trying to educate people.
Any pods in particular?
Preston's show is the only one I listen to every week. But I usually end of listening to another 2 or 3 bitcoin shows a week depending on the guest and topic. I listen to all the major ones here and there.
I do like Breedlove's Saylor series and generally am a fan of his work. I don't listen to him often though.
Have you listened to this one? I think Luke is brilliant.
yes that's a good one
Yes I have listened to every episode of Bitcoin fundamentals. I am loyal to Preston's show. I have been listening to TIP since 2015 and got into bitcoin because of Preston mentioning it on the show repeatedly in 2016. I didn't believe in it at the time but I respected Preston and thought I was missing something so I bought a little in late 2016. Bitcoin was around 1k at that time and sadly I only bought 100 bucks worth but that's where and how my stacking started.
I was listening to that show before it got really popular. It was popular and one of the higher ranking investing podcasts but you could still chat with Preston on twitter at that time and not be just one of a thousand messages. I used to converse with him and Stig on LinkedIn as well.
8 billion people vs 21 million coins
Thats all you need to know.
Yes this is a good one.