I know the very basics of buying/trading crypto bit not much more than that.
I have been using Coinbase to buy BTC and every so often transfer it to another wallet. There were fees involved in this but it wasn't enough to bother me.
Recently coinbase has caused me nothing but headaches as I keep getting errors and delays with the customer support not helping.
I've looked at other platforms but really can't get my head around them.
All I'm looking to do is buy BTC a few times a month (usually no more than £200 worth) and then periodically transfer some of the BTC to another wallet.
What is the most simple way to do this that doesn't involve crazy high fees?
Strike then straight into your personal LN or on-chain cold storage wallet by scanning the address or invoice QR code.
I know the very basics of buying/trading crypto bit not much more than that.
Trading is a sign of lesser intellect.
"crypto" is what shitcoiners say.
I have been using Coinbase to buy BTC
I dont blame you for using that KYC casino exchange. But you must ditch it as soon as you get some experience. Try RoboSats (P2P with no KYC). If you are from Europe and for some odd reason dont want to use RoboSats you can try Relai (swiss non-KYC exchange and they don't hold your bitcoin), its only 1% ish fees if you use a referral (check my bio).
I recommend Peach to buy noKYC in an easy way. Relai is soft KYC.
Don't trade your Bitcoin. Buy and move your sats to cold storage or use Bitcoin to buy products from other bitcoiners. Do not trade the most valuable asset known to man for lesser assets. (Unless it's a need or something that will make your life better)