Agree to what @grayruby said. Public healthcare is just inefficient, promotes capital misallocation, and disincentivises competition.
Here in the north, family doctor wait time is usually 1 hour or more (past your appointment time) even if you have an appointment. Hospitals' emergency department usually have 2 to 10 hours of wait time, but I would say mostly at least 4 hours. Specialists take about 6 to 12 months wait. Public healthcare just cost too much and is dysfunctional; but I guess cost too much and dysfunctional is the case for anything run by the government.
I once took my son to the local children's hospital because he got pushed off the top bunk of a bunk bed and hit his head on the ground. We had to wait 8 hours before a doctor came to check on him.
When I still lived in Toronto I had to take my daughter to Sick kids for a test her pediatrician wanted. We had an appointment and still waited 2 hours and I was shocked at how run down and dirty Sick Kids was. I had never been there before, and maybe it was just the wing I was in, but I was shocked considering it is supposed to be a world class children's hospital.