over confidence.
Dev circle jerk tinkering for the sake of it without considering consequences.
assertions like "Bitcoin is for everyone" without caveats or nuance.
Twitter limiting character sizes, rendering discourse moot and degrading attention spans.
Interesting, these are all kinda social issues.
These state attacks will likely create more focus & remind us of what 'permissionless' means. But we will see
Bitcoin culture matters a lot more than you may think.
If people don't understand the importance of running Bitcoin, and the why of it, the logic and principles embedded in that action, we are at risk of being watered down to greater centralization over a long time frame.
It's about keeping that flame alive and burning bright.
The Bitcoin Ideal.
Bitcoin is THE social issue.
You fundamentally need people running Bitcoin for Bitcoin to run.
And ideally knowing How, and Why.
Yes Sir!
BTW, I was surprised a little at the end most had no bitcoin. Interesting to find people like this who seem to know a few things about how it works, but leave it at that. Must be an academic thing. All theories
It may also be a conflict of interest for them to be holding Bitcoin, so many of these professional types divest themselves of the asset before they feel they can pontificate about it without being financially compromised. By doing this they can claim less bias influencing their arguments, which is fair. They're trying to be neutral. high integrity move.