Oh, Bitcoin, in digital chains you're entwined, A wonder that gleams in the vast, coded mind. In the cyber expanse, you rise, bold and grand, A futuristic marvel, across the digital land.
Not of stone, but of code, your foundation secure, A new utopia promised, a vision so pure. Decentralized temple, no borders to bind, Transforming wealth's concept, a frontier redesigned.
As a colossus emerging, your ascent is in sight, A global currency, in the digital light. In transactions, a dance, so elegant, free, A fair financial system, for all to foresee.
Eighth wonder, you reign midst uncertainty's haze, Offering resistance in a digital maze. Oh, Bitcoin, your impact, transcendental, vast, A digital marvel, in the cybernetic blast.
A wonder of the modern, shining so bright, In the firmament's glow, like a comet in flight. Your promise and potential, a testament untold, The new wonder, in destiny's codes, bold.