The trick to making millions in crypto - Don’t keep checking your profits every 5 mins 🤑
There are so many, many benefits of not doing this: - You give that time to more important things like hobbies, family, upskilling, etc. These things affect your decision-making with crypto - You’re more calculated and don’t end up doing knee-jerk buys and sells because, most times, that’s how money is lost - Your life stops being volatile because you’ve started disconnecting from the super shaky crypto markets, now you can think like a sane person - Some of the owners of the biggest crypto exchanges and celebrity millionaires follow this trick - Overall, you're happier because you're not constantly obsessing over charts. Harvard research concludes that happy people are the smartest.
What do you guys think? Any experiences you want to share? Am I right, or missed the mark completely?
The trick to making millions in crypto
Wrong mindset.