Still my favorite btc history book. NP turned into a hater in the end, right?
It really is a fun read. I'm a sucker for early bitcoin history. Do you have any more recommendations for straight history other than Digital Gold and The Blocksize Wars? I know Jameson Lopp has some good articles focusing on history.
There's a quite recent one that I thought was pretty good. Covers a lot of the same ground, but I don't view that as a problem.
Jesus, I just spent five minutes searching for it and I can't find it bc of the overwhelming amount of bullshit that's everywhere. Son of a bitch. Okay, wait, I remembered that it was written by The Social Network guy. It's this one.
Yes! Thanks for reminding me. I wanted to read this but then it fell off my radar.
Is that right? I know he writes for the NY Times. That might be a job requirement.