A bit sad really. I'm one hand I'm pleased that such technologies can seem to supplement a lonely person's life; however, it's often because the real thing has been taken away from them.
I go around the streets and see people (of all ages) walking whilst on their phones, game when there's an idle moment and forget about the subtleties and nuance of the world around them - and their safety.
My phone is firmly in my bag. Who needs simulacra when you've got the real thing.
I guess it's down to appreciating the real thing - and not forgetting what's in front of you.
'Mobile Lovers' artpiece by Banksy
Well said. I think the greatest lesson I learnt here is to make my son fall in love with reading so that he won’t be zombified by digital devices. I immediately stopped my habit of feeding him my iPhone so as to gain some moments of peace lol