Hello everyone,
I'm a proud owner of a lighting node, and I need to ask the experts here about a node thats troubling me:
I have a channel with Lightning-Roulette that only PUSHES liquidity to my end never receives back even with my fees zeroed. To balance, they charge you 750ppm outbound so thats your start...
I looked into their node and found that they have 1 BTC channel with LNBIG-38, then i opened a channel with that node thinking i could "balance in one hop" pushing liquidity through them and getting it back on my end through LNBIG-38 and it SHOULD GO THROUGH, since I have A LOT of inbound liquidity with LNBIG-38.
But Balance of satoshi fails when routing in one HOP... So that leaves us with just one possible scenario: The channel between Lightning-Roulette and LNBIG-38 ran out of outbound liquidity, or this channel is private so no one can route liquidity through them both. But do private channels list in amboss.space? Shoudn't private channels be hidden (or not?)
BOS, finds a rebalance route through 5 or 6 hops, but the sum them is over 2000ppm, and the only one HOP possible in this particular time should route through bitstamp node that charges 250ppm, that route is the cheapest one. LNCHAMP always have liquidity but they charge for 2000ppm just themselves, then I have LNCHAMP banned.
If I open a channel with bitstamp i'll be able to rebalance with them paying 1000ppm in one hop but in that math, i'm gonna have to charge every other outbound channel with 1000ppm so I can repay thoses costs.
What should I do then? If I stick with lighting-roulette I'll have to inflate my outbound fees decreasing the flow on the other channels and working almost exclusively for lightning-roulette or should I close the channel with them and lowering my fees to compensate the remaining flow?
There should be a way to charge fees on the inbound flow, so I could work with them independently and they would pay their own fees to route using my node!
I'm sorry for the bad english and If i'm somewhat ignorant with this, but I'm still on baby stages!
Thank you in advance
Before doing anything else with that node I am strongly encourage you to read this. Is more as a warning. Better warn you now then you will be sorry later. Read careful and try to understand what am I warning in there.