For some reason I just can wrap my head around what this is.
We pay 500 sats and in exchange, you route 88 TH/s to BraiinsPool on our behalf for 3 hours? And if the pool finds a block while our effective scoring hash rate is nonzero, we get the payout? Is that right?
That's correct -
You mine at Braiins pool for 3 hours, and get a payout if the pool wins a block during that timeframe.
It's a bit of fun on Thanksgiving and we'll ask everyone for some feedback and give extra hashrate this afternoon.
Can you route the hash rate to an existing braiinspool account?
Hmm this promo is intended for folks new to mining (w/o a pool account yet)
If you already have a pool account, you can buy hashrate through Rigly auctions or instant mining
Makes sense. Thank you!
It works well, but just be mindful of the minimum withdrawals for whichever pool you will be using.
Also, you may want to use Luxor or F2pool instead of Braiins. See this: #299891