Let me know in the comments which Bitcoin and LN wallets you use and your experiences with them, I'll read you and we'll learn together!
I use Phoenix but I haven't tested many wallets. I only used Muun, WoS, BlueWallet and Phoenix so far.
Muun is not good for the reasons you mentioned, WoS is custodial and BlueWallet shut down their lightning service.
I am really happy with Phoenix so far. We also have @ACINQ on here :)
Thanks for your comment. Glad to hear the variety of wallets you use, and even though some with custodials they are still good options for someone starting out with Bitcoin or someone more advanced using them as a bridge to then take it all to OnChain. Phoenix I have only installed it but I have not yet decided to fill the sats channel, when I do I will tell you in another article.