
Lightning Ventures has a live opportunity to invest in Pleb Lab. ⚡️⚡️⚡️

This opportunity will close on Friday, June 3rd, and is open to any and all Plebs who want to participate.

The minimum investment amount is $1k, always Pleb sized over here at Lightning Ventures.
For more info: email mike@ltng.ventures or join our public telegram channel https://t.me/ltngventures
  • You will have to first apply for the AngelList platform (that will take 1-2 days), then you will have to apply for Lightning ventures. Which we will approve any and all Plebs immediately! Then you can click the button and be an investor in Pleb Lab.
Use this link to signup and start the process. https://angel.co/i/QwOvw

Who the hell are we?

We're Bitcoiners investing in Bitcoin companies and you can too! If you want to learn about our opportunities, angel investing, rad Bitcoin startups, and other cool stuff then listen up. We try to do interviews with founders when we have a live deal for their company in our Lightning⚡️Ventures Syndicate. What's a syndicate? It's a way for you to participate alongside the "suits" and invest in private companies. Mostly early-stage Bitcoin companies are what you'll see from us because that's what we do. We're new to the video and podcast format but hope to educate all the plebs who want to learn more! Lightning Ventures is an exclusively Bitcoin-focused network of investors, operators, and developers, dedicated to supporting Lightning Network adoption worldwide. Join or die. YGMI

I have ideas, where can I pitch them for investors?
on our site you can reach out with your projects, submit things, etc. https://ltng.ventures
You make it sound like you are giving people the opportunity to invest out of generosity.
But is that your motivation? Or is it because early investors want to realize gains or PlebLab needs funding for a specific project?
Not trying to accuse you, just out of principle: The stackers would appreaciate honesty!
This is Pleb Labs first round of funding. I'm not savign the manatees here but we are definitely aligned with supporting amazing projects, founders and contributing how we can to the Bitcoin space. It's hard finding deals to invest in. It's even more difficult to find them with $1,000 minimum. It's also not cvery ommon for opportunites in Bitcoin companies to be made available to the public. So yes, we hope to profit in the future from Lightning Ventures investment in Pleb Lab and we hope everyone who invests also profits but most importantly it's going to be a fun ride and something we're psyched to be supporting