👀 Oh dear. Hanging as in other pages don't load?
Yeah, it does the progress bar on the top, and it crawls, and then just stops. But then if I reload the page it usually sorts itself out.
If this happens again and it’s not a ton of trouble, open up the browser console and see if there’s anything weird in there.
We had someone report a bug recently that identifies itself as a bug in react so now I’m kind of anxious we’re doing something that triggers this bug nondeterministically.
You got it, chef!
How's your internet? This kind of progress bar to nowhere behavior usually happens when my internet is spotty
It's good -- at least, to an informal assessment it's good. Not noticing other issues. And not noticing it atm, so maybe it was some mysterious weird thing.
When a @davidw article comes out it's like Taylor Swift tickets going on sale, so I can understand why my mind went where it did.
Seems like the right thing to do is detect internet issues and report them with a retry message.
I'll open an issue.
I've noticed this when running a VPN sometimes too. Sometimes restarting or switching location resolves it