Missed that, appreciate the post, European press is generally very crafty when it comes to the EU
In Europe, many still claim the EU is just a trade deal!...
Would a trade deal need this... "MEPs call for more powers for the EU on environmental issues, as well as shared EU powers in the following areas currently within the member states’ exclusive remit: public health (especially cross-border health threats and including sexual and reproductive health and rights), civil protection, industry, and education. Existing shared powers should be developed further in the areas of energy, foreign affairs, external security and defence, external border policy, and cross-border-infrastructure." Esp '...security and defence...'.. read EU armed security/defence force!
They are panicking now after the dutch elections. It's a political earthquake. Watch how they are gaslighting the markets over their interest rate policy: we stay high for longer (meanwhile buying gov bonds all over the place). And then there is this cootdinated media attack on UBS. Same playbook we saw with CS earlier this year. Swiss banks belong to tje Fed system geopolitically. This won't end well
Interesting point about Swiss banks. As you know, Switzerland is outside the EU but has numerous mutually beneficial deals; however the EU is trying to rebalance those deals their way. The issues in Swiss banking need to be seen in this light, imv, esp given southern europe's banks are effectively bankrupt without ECB bond buying...
You're right. Especially Italy has a problem