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Channel Influence Efficiency (CIE) in the Lightning Network


The Lightning Network's topology and connectivity impact its performance. While metrics like channel count and node centrality offer insights, they miss a key aspect: the efficiency of influence exerted by nodes. Channel Influence Efficiency (CIE) fills this gap by evaluating how effectively a node utilizes its channels to contribute to the network's connectivity.


  1. CIE Calculation: For a node, CIE is calculated as the ratio of its percentage share in network connectivity to its total number of channels. Mathematically, CIE = (Node's Connectivity %) / (Number of Channels).
  2. Data Collection: Data on node connectivity and channel count can be sourced from Lightning Network explorers or APIs.
  3. Analysis Framework: CIE is analyzed across various tiers of nodes (top 1, top 100, top 1000) to understand distribution patterns.


  1. Strategic Connector (Node A)
    • Math: 50 channels, 5% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 5% / 50 = 0.1% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Exhibits high efficiency in network influence relative to its channel count, indicating strategic channel connections and a pivotal role in network transactions.
  2. Broad Networker (Node B)
    • Math: 100 channels, 5% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 5% / 100 = 0.05% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Maintains many channels but is less efficient in leveraging them, indicating a wider reach but less strategic placement.
  3. Efficient Hub (Node C)
    • Math: 20 channels, 10% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 10% / 20 = 0.5% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Demonstrates exceptional efficiency, likely connected to key network hubs.
  4. Sparse Influencer (Node D)
    • Math: 200 channels, 1% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 1% / 200 = 0.005% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Has many connections but limited influence, possibly indicating ineffective channels.
  5. Average Intermediary (Node E)
    • Math: 100 channels, 2% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 2% / 100 = 0.02% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Represents an average efficiency level, maintaining a balance in channel count and connectivity impact.
  6. Dense Networker (Node F)
    • Math: 300 channels, 15% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 15% / 300 = 0.05% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Despite a high channel count, the node's influence per channel is moderate, suggesting potential for optimizing its network position.
  7. Minor Player (Node G)
    • Math: 10 channels, 0.2% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 0.2% / 10 = 0.02% per channel.
    • Interpretation: With a low channel count and influence, this node reflects smaller or newer entities in the network.
  8. Strategic Influencer (Node H)
    • Math: 50 channels, 20% network connectivity.
    • CIE Calculation: 20% / 50 = 0.4% per channel.
    • Interpretation: Shows high strategic connectivity, indicating fewer but highly effective connections to major nodes.
  1. Strategic Connector (Node A)
    • With a CIE of 0.1% per channel, Node A demonstrates high efficiency in network influence relative to its channel count. This suggests that Node A has strategically established channels, making it a pivotal connector in the network's transaction flow.
  2. Broad Networker (Node B)
    • Node B, with a CIE of 0.05% per channel, maintains a larger number of channels but doesn't leverage them as effectively as a Strategic Connector. This indicates a broad but less strategic network reach, suggesting potential for optimization.
  3. Efficient Hub (Node C)
    • The high CIE of 0.5% per channel for Node C indicates exceptional efficiency, likely due to connections with key network hubs. This node serves as a central hub for transactions, demonstrating the importance of strategic channel placement.
  4. Sparse Influencer (Node D)
    • Node D, with a CIE of 0.005% per channel, represents a node with many connections but limited influence. This could indicate a spread of redundant or less effective channels, highlighting the need for more strategic connectivity.
  5. Average Intermediary (Node E)
    • With a CIE of 0.02% per channel, Node E strikes a balance between channel count and influence. This reflects an average level of efficiency, serving as a reliable intermediary in the network.
  6. Dense Networker (Node F)
    • Node F, having a CIE of 0.05% per channel, suggests a high number of channels but only moderate influence per channel. This points to the potential for better optimizing its network position to maximize influence.
  7. Minor Player (Node G)
    • The CIE of 0.02% per channel for Node G indicates a node with limited influence and a low channel count. This type of node often represents smaller or newer players in the network.
  8. Strategic Influencer (Node H)
    • Node H, with a CIE of 0.4% per channel, demonstrates a highly strategic use of connectivity. With fewer but highly effective connections, this node is likely linked to several major nodes, enhancing its role in network efficiency.

Findings and Discussion

The examination of Channel Influence Efficiency (CIE) across various nodes in the Lightning Network, now categorized with specific roles, may open up new avenues for discussion:
  1. Strategic Placement and Efficiency
    • Nodes like the Strategic Connector (Node A) and the Strategic Influencer (Node H) highlight the importance of not just the quantity, but the quality of connections. Their high CIE values suggest that strategic placement of channels can significantly enhance a node's influence in the network.
  2. The Role of Broad and Dense Networkers
    • Broad Networkers (Node B) and Dense Networkers (Node F), despite their extensive channel networks, exhibit moderate CIE values. This suggests that an overemphasis on expanding channel count without strategic planning may not always translate into increased network influence.
  3. Average Intermediaries as Network Stabilizers
    • Average Intermediaries (Node E) demonstrate a balance in channel count and influence. These nodes potentially contribute to the stability and resilience of the network by maintaining a consistent level of connectivity.
  4. Identifying and Supporting Minor Players
    • The Minor Player (Node G) category, with its lower CIE, draws attention to smaller or emerging nodes in the network. Understanding their challenges and potential can guide strategies to support their growth and integration into the network.
  5. Potential for Optimization
    • The variance in CIE among different nodes suggests room for optimization. Nodes can look towards the strategies employed by those with higher CIE values to improve their own connectivity and influence.
  6. Risk Assessment and Management
    • Sparse Influencers (Node D) with many connections but limited influence may present risks, such as bottlenecks or points of failure. Assessing nodes for their CIE can aid in identifying and mitigating these risks.
  7. Network Evolution and Adaptation
    • Tracking changes in CIE over time can provide insights into how the Lightning Network evolves. Shifts in the CIE of various nodes could indicate emerging trends, adaptation strategies, or evolving challenges within the network.

Future Work

The introduction of Channel Influence Efficiency (CIE) and the categorization of nodes into roles like Strategic Connectors and Efficient Hubs open several avenues for future research and development in the Lightning Network. The following areas represent key opportunities for further exploration:
  1. Development of Real-Time CIE Tracking Tools
    • Creating tools that provide real-time analysis of CIE for nodes in the Lightning Network can offer ongoing insights into network dynamics and efficiency. These tools could be invaluable for nodes in optimizing their connections and assessing their network influence.
  2. Impact of CIE on Network Scalability
    • Studying how variations in CIE affect the scalability and robustness of the Lightning Network can provide insights into how the network can grow while maintaining efficiency and stability.
  3. Strategies for Enhancing CIE of Nodes
    • Research into strategies that nodes can employ to improve their CIE, especially for those categorized as Sparse Influencers or Minor Players, would be valuable. This could include analysis of optimal channel formation, network positioning, and connection strategies.
  4. CIE's Role in Predictive Modeling
    • Utilizing CIE in predictive modeling to forecast network changes, potential bottlenecks, or points of failure could enhance proactive network management and strategic planning.
  5. CIE Influence on Transaction Routing Algorithms
    • Exploring how CIE can be integrated into transaction routing algorithms to optimize efficiency and reduce transaction costs could be a significant advancement.
  6. CIE-Based Network Health Indicators
    • Developing network health indicators based on CIE distributions can offer a quick and effective way to assess the overall state and performance of the Lightning Network.
Awesome post! Can you define network connectivity in a bit more depth here? Connectivity here can be interpreted as uptime, liquidity, (inverse of) latency.
Great question!

Network Connectivity (NC) Calculation Formula

NC = λ × (L × U × Q × C × R × N)
  • NC = Network Connectivity.
  • λ = Normalization factor to scale the result within a meaningful range.
  • L = Liquidity Score, representing the total liquidity available in the node's channels.
  • U = Uptime Score, reflecting the reliability of the node (e.g., a percentage of time the node is online).
  • Q = Quality of Connections Score, indicating the strategic importance of the node's connections (e.g., connections to key nodes).
  • C = Channel Capacity Score, measuring the total capacity of the node's channels.
  • R = Routing Efficiency Score, denoting the node's efficiency in routing transactions (considering factors like latency and path optimality).
  • N = Network Centrality Score, indicating the node's centrality within the network structure.
Utilizing the data from 1ML's Lightning Network statistics, we can calculate an example of network connectivity for a hypothetical node using the proposed formula. For simplicity, we'll assume each factor (liquidity score, uptime score, etc.) is represented on a scale of 0 to 1.
Given Data from 1ML:
  • Network Capacity: 5,368.61 BTC
  • Average Node Capacity: 0.367 BTC
  • Average Channel Capacity: 0.086 BTC
  • Average Node Age: 830.8 days
  • Average Channel Age: 454.8 days
  • Average Channels per Node: 8.52
  • Tor Onion Service Nodes: 10,550 nodes
  • Median Base Fee: 0.632160 sat
  • Median Fee Rate: 0.000050 sat/sat

Example Calculations

Hypothetical Node 1 Data:

  • Liquidity Score (L): Assuming our node's capacity is at 75th percentile, L = 0.75.
  • Uptime Score (U): Assuming an uptime of 95%, U = 0.95.
  • Quality of Connections Score (Q): If our node is connected to key nodes, Q = 0.8.
  • Channel Capacity Score (C): Assuming channel capacity at 75th percentile, C = 0.75.
  • Routing Efficiency Score (R): Assuming high routing efficiency, R = 0.9.
  • Network Centrality Score (N): If the node is moderately central, N = 0.6.

Network Connectivity (NC) Calculation:

Assuming a normalization factor λ = 1, the NC for our hypothetical node would be: NC = 1 × (0.75 × 0.95 × 0.8 × 0.75 × 0.9 × 0.6) NC = 0.22815
This calculated value (0.22815) represents the node's overall connectivity in the network, taking into account various factors like liquidity, uptime, and efficiency. A higher value would indicate a more influential and well-connected node in the network.
For another example, let's calculate the network connectivity for a different type of node in the Lightning Network, perhaps one that is newer or less central:

Hypothetical Node 2 Data:

  • Liquidity Score (L): For a newer node with lower capacity, L = 0.25.
  • Uptime Score (U): If this node has good reliability, but not perfect: U = 0.85.
  • Quality of Connections Score (Q): With less strategic connections, Q = 0.5.
  • Channel Capacity Score (C): Assuming it's around the 25th percentile: C = 0.25.
  • Routing Efficiency Score (R): For a moderately efficient node: R = 0.7.
  • Network Centrality Score (N): As a less central node: N = 0.4.

Network Connectivity (NC) Calculation:

Using the same normalization factor λ = 1, the NC for this hypothetical node would be: NC = 1 × (0.25 × 0.85 × 0.5 × 0.25 × 0.7 × 0.4) NC = 0.014875
This calculated value (0.014875) indicates a relatively lower overall connectivity for this node, reflective of its newer status, lower capacity, and less central position in the network. This node might focus on improving its strategic connections and increasing its capacity to enhance its role in the network.