My only hope concerning these crackdowns on exchanges is that it pushes more liquidity and people towards P2P platforms instead, even if 10% of binance users had to move over that's a big market for services like robosats and the rest to deal with
That's my hope too. CZ himself said a couple of years ago that the future of exchanges was going to be DEXs and P2P. I thought it was a strange thing to say from him but now I understand it better.
This is a sad story. I can remember when I got kicked off of the Indonesian Bitcoin exchange because of my USA citizenship. They just didn't want to deal with USA customers because of the USA bureaucratic red tape; or worse its justice department.
4.5 Billion fine? Wow, you can see why other entities eschewed USA customers.
Losers: CZ, USA persons, Freedom Winners: USA Leviathan
what would be the possible solutions for the future