I agree with everything you say from the establishment's perspective, but why did CZ go along with it? It wasn't such a great deal for him.
Maybe he paid in BNB
That explanation seems too clean to me, but if I run with it: presumably he's got epic bags; and so anything that legitimizes crypto / bitcoin enough to nudge to mainstream adoption via ETF is, on the macro timescale, good for him?
Yes. That's true. I just have the feeling based on the speed and ease of this deal that there's more to the story.
Yeah who knows. He may be so guilty of things we may never know that this could be the best option and wants to start over a new life. Or If he collaborates he gets less jail time if any.
Under the federal system, if he cooperates with the government he'll get what they call a 4K letter, which allows a judge to ignore the sentencing guidelines and give him no jail. To get this, though, you typically have to provide evidence against someone else about crimes. He may want to start a new life, but he doesn't have to do it in the U.S. There are plenty of countries where he could live like a king without fear of extradition.
Actually it's a 5K letter! It's been a while since I practiced federal criminal defense law. I'm embarrassed.
No worries. 4K sounds good to me too hehe. I understood the concept. Very interesting.