This isn't scientific, but I see all the positives, like libertarian leaning, his opposition to central banks, possible positive feelings about bitcoin being offset by the WEF connection. So, I plan to ignore the guy and hope I'm pleasantly surprised.
The video is pretty dismissive of that WEF "connection". To me though, the important thing is that his message was popular enough to win. That might mean some of those policies get pushed through, just because they're popular now. It might just mean Bitcoin gets a bunch more publicity and CBDC's take a big PR hit.
I guess it really can't be seen as a negative no matter how you slice it. Argentina is better off than it was a week ago.
There are a bunch of government programs that are known to be fiscally untenable, but they don't get reformed because it's assumed to be politically impossible. I hope this is a signal that there is more popular support for cutting government than was realized.
Of course, I have no idea why he won. Maybe it was just a reaction to the crazy inflation Argentinians are always going through. I'm excited to watch this play out, though.