That's the plan but sometimes reality gets in the way, for example swapping bitcoin to stable shitcoins, else normies would stick with Western Union๐Ÿ˜…
Focusing on pilling people rather than putting them back into fiat is the way.
Wow, true words, right here!
Once you are in Bitcoin, NEVER EVER go back to fiat. Is so fucking simple, damn it.
What you want to do is creating another Paypal over BTC/LN... that is just what is doing Strike (aka a shit service that keep people into fiat).
then once you get big, you would need to bow the knee for a license or get into trouble...
you're right on this one not gonna lie
saving you from foreseen troubles ๐Ÿ˜‚
exactly, another truth words... Natalia is hitting hard today...
resting mode on - finally able to sit down and write!
haha you guys are the best, totally with you but this could be a good trojan horse to get normies into Bitcoin as well, for example slapping a PoS system on top of the remittance app whereby users can use remitted bitcoin to purchase stuff for a discount (decent incentives).. or building a DCA feature with withdrawals to self-custodied wallet so that people can save a bit with the rampant hyperinflation we're going through..
Keep in mind that the target market is mostly a cash based economy (I would say > 80% cash payments) after the banking's sector collapse so this is a great way to leapfrog fiat payments companies and fintechs that are popping up everywhere