Feel free to reach out on Telegram or nostr if you have any questions guys.
To use this feature, it's very important to run Blixt Persistent Mode and disable battery optimization for the app. We have been testing this for many months and the battery drain should be low if everything is going as expected.
Also, doing "Lnd db compaction" inside settings -> debug can improve efficiency. It's recommended to do it.
Maybe an idea for giving more use to this LN address... What if you setup a dedicated LN Address as support@blixtwallet.com where users can send you questions about Blixt, or give advanced support to specific users?
They could attach an alias name + comment + payment of x sats (predetermined). In this way you can keep track of support tickets and maybe later even build a special section in the Lighning Box server, that will handle these support tickets.
This service can be run by LSPs and other type of companies / services and use it in a nice way over LN.
What do you think?
Yes indeed that could be a pretty good service. I've been thinking about that too, and calling it OnlySats.
damn... "OnlySats". I need to make a meme with this. Is too good.
Do you all use an LSP?
At least one. LSPs could be any node with good liquidity that accept also private channels. Not all want private channels, some want only gains from routing publicly, but they miss the important ones: private nodes that are doing more payments than anybody else.