I started using alternative social media basically as an act of anti-Big Tech activism. I really never enjoyed social media or used it much (except for reddit). When all the major platforms became openly partisan censorship outlets, I wanted to help their alternatives succeed.
Stacker News is the only platform I would use purely for my own enjoyment. I still hop on nostr and Minds in my effort to help Big Tech alternatives succeed, but they pail in comparison to SN for engagement quality.
I'm also on Nostr and like it a lot, most for the technical side than the social, but still quite fun.
I also tried text before learning about Nostr and was fine for a while, after that I had people mentioning me in discussions I didn't care at all. Not my soup.
Sorry rereading it I misspelled the word. 😔
"text" is "twtxt"
I haven't heard of either one. Looks like I'm already following you on nostr, though.
Thanks for following me.
I used a different nick on that one, but it's not scalable in the least, not discoverable at all.
I'll be posting about more on Nostr soon, after I'm done with me freelance work, I'll finally start working on #meetstr.