Do you have sources for Santiago Caputo's link with the WEF? I can't find any
i missed a coma there. Santiago Caputo is not linked to WEF, He is linked to Macri.. And we all know what Macri did to the country ( not saying the other team is better though). For someone who was agains the "casta" having the Macri team inside is wayyyy to suspicious. And Milei thanked Caputo himself for being elected.. go figure
Of course I'm not saying they can't come up with some WEF compliant shit eventually however your reasoning is way far fetched
Far fetched? Have you saw the news today? He already have 2 Macri ministers appointed. He is linked undoubtedly to macri. Welcome the clan Caputo again fucking up. Remember who signed the last FMI loan? He is back.. back again. Milei chose the people who he said he was going to cut out.. its all an op.. a sham..