1 high-quality cut of meat (such as sirloin, ribeye, or flank): The choice of meat is crucial; Argentine cuts like bife de chorizo, ancho, or entraña work well.
Coarse salt: For seasoning the meat.
Selecting the Meat: Choose high-quality cuts of beef, with popular Argentine choices being sirloin, ribeye, or flank.
Seasoning: Before placing the meat on the grill, season it generously with coarse salt. Argentinians often prefer minimal seasoning to let the natural flavor of the meat shine.
Preheating the Grill: Light the charcoal or wood in the barbecue and let it burn until it forms a good layer of embers.
Grilling the Meat: Place the meat on the grill when the embers are well-formed. Adjust the grill height to control the heat. Grill the meat according to your preferred doneness. The traditional Argentine preference is for a medium-rare, "jugoso" (juicy) finish, but you can adjust according to your preference.
Resting the Meat: After removing the meat from the grill, let it rest for a few minutes. This helps retain internal juices, resulting in a juicier steak.
Slicing and Serving: Slice the meat thinly, diagonally, to maximize texture and flavor. Serve immediately, preferably with simple sides like salad, bread, or chimichurri sauce.
Remember, the quality of the meat is paramount for an authentic Argentine barbecue. Patience and attention to the meat's doneness are also key to achieving a delicious result. Enjoy your Argentinian barbecue!