Red flags for SUS:
  • Word salady arguments with no real substance
  • Appealing to authority
  • Attacking the character of critics instead of their arguments
  • Likes to spend time with / be seen with celebrities and other public figures
  • Too confident, too fast (e.g. a lot of young CEOs)
  • Hews to all the popular narratives in society
  • Focus on the what instead of the how and the why. Examples:
    • We promise X% return vs. This is how we make returns
    • Your funds are safu vs. This is how we keep your funds safe
    • Bitcoin is going to the moon vs. This is why Bitcoin will win
And this is a big one:
  • I can predict what they're gonna say before they're gonna say it. This is true for so many politicians and influencers... just by knowing who their audience is and the type of persona they're trying to represent, you can always guess their positions. If you can always guess what a person is gonna say, they add no new information to you. People I trust are the ones who sometimes surprise me, and who appear to be able to form independent, coherent thoughts that they arrived at on their own.