There are two other CORE LIGHTNING videos in this series:
CORE LIGHTNING - 2 Plugins #33370
📺 CORE LIGHTNING - 3 Ride The Lightning #33366
And another:
📺 CORE LIGHTNING - 4 RTL and Zeus, over Tor #33930
And the final CORE LIGHTNING video in the series:
📺 CORE LIGHTNING - 5 Spark Server & Wallet #34203
Really good video tutorials is doing 402 Payment required!
How to install/upgrade Bitcoin Core:
Run Bitcoin Core over Tor:
Run Bitcoin Core over I2P:
How to install the Tor daemon:
Bitcoin Core RPC Authentication setup:
Lightning Labs LND Series:
Core Lightning Github:
On BitcoinTV (Peertube / Fediverse):
CORE LIGHTNING - Setup & Backup
On Mastodon / Pleroma (Fediverse), follow: and
flawless ⚡️
"WEF award winning Lightning Labs LND node" Hahahahahaha!
Wanted to forward all sats to OP but couldn't find his SN acc
Hi 402, I understand how to backup and restore the hsm_secret file and also create one using a 12 word mnemonic.
However, in the spirit of verify don't trust I am attempting to restore my Core Lightning internal on-chain wallet using my 12 mnemonic recovery words into another hot wallet and see my utxos.
I've used the hsmtool dumponchaindescriptors command but do not know how to import into Bitcoin Core or Sparrow wallet.
Do you know if this is possible or how one could verify the UTXO's in their hsm_secret file using another open source software rather than just trusting and relying on Core Lightning. I can't imagine I'm the only person trying to accomplish this.
Thank you for reading.