Safe to say that anyone publicly facing, Santa Klaus included, is not worthy of attention. The real psychopaths pulling the strings would not dare show their faces. Preferring the cover of darkness & ignorance. They know this will blow-up in their faces. Their strength until now has come from the belief and myth that the WEF influence extends far and wide across the globe. There will be a strong reaction against it. Perhaps it's already started. Perhaps this is what they desire.
History will name and shame them. Just a question of time.
WEF is just a public face, but it's a handy heads-up for what the globalists have waiting for us around the corner.
i'm not so sure there will be a strong reaction against them, sadly. we are likely to get overwhelmed with a variety of crises across the globe, and priority will be getting each of our own houses in order first.
the avg person doesnt even know what the WEF is
good point to make: who's the man behind the curtain?