I see so many projects that I'd love to donate, not so much money, just a few sats, but in an automated way:
  • see a project
  • subscribe
  • set amount/frequency
  • done
Just like patreon.
This is the beauty of Bitcoin.
The best things on the internet (software projects and content) are all financed by donations.
Lightning makes this easier. It makes the barrier to entry lower. It makes it even more frictionless.
Are these the kinds of payments that would be facilitated by Bolt12? I would be interested in automated regular donations as well.
I guess this could be implemented on the wallet side using Lightning Address. So in the wallet you set up the frequency and the amount and then the destination and then the wallet starts sending the sats every now and then. Could give you a notification if a payment is coming up, and if a payment failed.
I haven't seen an auto payment service for projects yet, closest thing so far is streaming sats, which still has its hiccups
You could probably just do this yourself if the project has a funding address
But we need an easier way. Just like we follow someone on Twitter.
Could be mistaken, but I think Bolt12 would enable this for lightning?
ETA for bolt12?, That could ignite lightning development.
is there anything Bolt12 doesent do?
Anyone got the link for current bolt12 specs?.
Sorry, I didn't see your earlier reply!