Not a new song this month, however the video is. I don't know why, it just hits me every time I watch it. Simple and cleanly executed.
This was a very different track to your other suggestion 🤣 this has got that really nice chill vibe to it. Why is she crying? What happened one minute snow man with her dad next minute walking streets crying! I have to know, is she ok? That was a proper nice track. Like you said, simple and cleanly executed, as was the video, it was very well timed in, she fell over and hit the ground at the exact moment of the beat dropping, it's the little things like that attention to detail I really appreciate when videos tie in correctly with the music.
Plus, if you're some one like me who have listened to the Lofi Girl radio quite frequently the past years, seeing this character come to life and have a story is just something else.
I guess they're going to explore her universe and back story now, and if it's going to be equally well executed - I am so on board!
And yes, it's very different hehe. I do, as you seem to do too, enjoy a great variety of genres.
You can say that again. Eclectic it could be described as.
It might be nice to go back and check that out, just so I'm all caught up and see what they do in the future with her story.