Satya Nadella isn’t messing around, huge move for Microsoft.
His leadership has been impressive. He seems to just totally get it which is super rare for such an old and intrenched company.
This looking more and more like an unintentional AGI kill switch drill. Spoiler alert: it failed.
Interesting that the tech leadership, including Murati and Sutskever, appear to be on team Sam. Didn't see that coming.
Or else they're now caught up in a coordination problem and are making the right sounds for self-preservation reasons.
I suspect it's the latter. They miscalculated by a mile.
(I still need to read that review. Thanks for the reminder.)
Goodbye, OpenAI...
The future of OpenAI remains very uncertain since Microsoft is creating direct competition with OpenAI while maintaining enormous power of control at OpenAI through infrastructure usage credits without which OpenAI cannot do anything.
Yup, OpenAI's future as a relevant institution is over. Maybe they'll turn into a quasi-think tank that writes papers that a handful of people read; and go on various media hand-wringing tours. That's now the ceiling of their aspirations, imo.
Maybe they go back to their roots of open openAI. Create incredible research, let the public try technologically impressive products and let all kinds of big corporations and Linux/FOSS build ontop of it
That's the most optimistic scenario for me.
I think OpenAI would still ride on the wave of first move advantage for a couple of years. At least, in the education fraternity in my country, everyone is wringing their hands whether or not to get the paid ChatGPT 4 so that they can customise their images with the help of Dall-E to enhance teaching and learning. Hardly anyone talks about Google Bard; Microsoft Bing is not even in our national consciousness
So maybe Microsoft orchestrated the whole thing in order to have him just as an employee instead of risking him create his own company, while at the same time having OpenAI on a leash.
I doubt that. He hasn't been a coder for at least 10 years now. Sama is definitely a valuable human resource to have but not valuable enough to orchestrate all that. But taking him in this opportunistic situation does make sense however.
But in a way what you said might be true too, these guys are just pieces of a bigger puzzle. Other actors above them with more capital, are making the calls.
Come to think about it, they kill two possible competitors with one shot. Sam becomes an employee (he doesn’t start a new super cool AI company) and OpenAI loses traction, leadership.
Yeah what a surprise.