Solar is ok for a tiny fraction of power, shithead. Maybe 3-10% with mostly nuclear.
Solar is already 4.5% of worldwide production (which is half of nuclear):
And solar is expected to grow to 24% in 4 years, according to International Energy Agency):
Try to read and educate yourself, monkey.
Come on guys, please! Don't let politics do what they are set up for and let divide You or tear You down on their level. We have to maintain style! Ok?
You didn't contradict anything I side. Learn to read.
Oh boy. You write "between 3 and 10 at best". It's already 4.5 and predicted to go to 24 in a couple of years, more than double what you said, but it doesn't condradict your statement? And I'm the one who can't read, loooool.
I'm talking about the real world, not your fiat world's temporary aberrations and false prognostication. Think you're in the wrong place, buddy 🤡🤡🤡
Come on guys, please! Don't let politics do what they are set up for and let divide You or tear You down on their level. We have to maintain style! Ok?
4.5%?? After multi billions of subsidies? That does not look like a big success.
Btw: please calm down anybody. We are talking energy politics and should not fall into the green lefties trap of ''divide et impera''. Nobody fu..ed somone's wife!