I hope you don't choke me @Darthcoin
Why should I choke you? I like your "Operation Saylor" series. I even share it with others, to read and learn from your journey / experience. Keep'em coming !
You talk about custodians. What about "uncle Jim" solution? Running a bunch of nodes in a small community can help a lot those that could not run their own nodes / services. And can have quite good trust.
I think more node runners should think about this scenario, as I explained here: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-private-banks-over-lightning
I don't think many people in 2012 could have foreseen the coming of Lightning
Is true, even until 2016-2017 LN was just a dream. Were some discussions about but nobody had an idea how to do it. Nowadays we are quite far from those times, but still we have a long way into this jorurney. LN is still veeery young.
I agree custodians will and should come in all shapes and colours. If you think about it, stacker.news is a custodian itself, and we all save a lot on fees when zapping each other's posts here because of this design.
I also hope we get community custodians. A family could have it's own cashu mint. A neighbourhood. A football team. An entire city.