Oil is great, we need all of the energy sources. Solar has its place. I have solar but nuclear would solve so many issues. I agree that oil is probably overused but it can't be replaced nor should it.
Frankly all energy sources have their tradeoffs. This get off oil at all costs is brain dead to me. It's central planning. I am not opposed to solar and wind but oil is better for many use cases. This centralize manipulation of energy markets for both oil and renewables is really holding nuclear back.
Oil could easily be replaced by corn-based ethanol, and any argument to the contrary is pure propaganda, imho. But I'm with you that it needn't be replaced. Burn every last drop.
I'm no expert but corn based fuel requires massive land use and destructive farming practices. It's not the answer. Might have a place but it highly subsidized as well.
Massive land use, yes, but not much more than we already use. Destructive practices are not a requirement, no. "Alcohol Can Be A Gas" by David Blume is a massive tome dedicated to the subject, if you'd like to educate yourself as to why you are wrong when you say "it's not the answer".