Bitcoin Price Is Not the Most Exciting Thing About Bitcoin, but Bitcoin Price Does Matter.
Here are 4 reasons:
  1. When the price of Bitcoin increases, the adoption of Bitcoin accelerates, as we enter the Bitcoin Positive Feedback Loop.
  1. When the price of Bitcoin falls, it gives a chance to new entrants to take advantage of the Bitcoin revolution.
  2. When the price of Bitcoin rises in fiat currency, goods, and services see their price fall in standard Bitcoin.
  3. Studying the price action of Bitcoin is something extremely interesting.
After what I just told you, I maintain that the price of Bitcoin is not the most exciting thing in the Bitcoin world.
The impacts of the Bitcoin revolution on the world today and tomorrow are much more exciting to study.
However, the price of Bitcoin does matter in terms of getting new people interested in the Bitcoin system.
This should not be overlooked, as it is part of a kind of marketing that benefits Bitcoin adoption.
On the other hand, once you understand the why of Bitcoin, you will do as I and other Bitcoiners do, you will be interested in the price of Bitcoin, but it will not change your strategy with Bitcoin.
Your interest in Bitcoin is long-term, so studying the price of Bitcoin should only be done for the sake of discovering how this market works, not to take foolish risks that would jeopardize your adventure with the Bitcoin revolution.
I agree. I posted this back in March expressing similar sentiments, and got some pushback: #157847
I agree it is important. I have an alert set at the price of $999,000 because I don't want to miss the party of the breakout to 2 million. 🤠
We all come for the gains and stay for the revolution.
Another reason the fiat price matters is that it's a proxy for purchasing power. One day, it won't be.
Of course it does. Even the most diehard “Bitcoin is the money” bro’s know its price relative to “Fiat” is important.