There are certainly a number of Bitcoiners advocating for more tech progress, both within and outside of the Bitcoin ecosystem, but there is also a cohort of Bitcoiners that dislike new tech and long for traditional architecture, agriculture, culture, and a stable, reliable Bitcoin without new features.
I know some of these Bitcoiners and as far as i can tell they are certainly not in favor of a slowdown of progress, they are perfectly aware that they rely of the greatest prosperity of others to be able to live their own life as they intend to. They understand, at the opposite of the more left minded people advocating for a global "degrowth", that their way of living would be incredibly hard without all the technological comfort that a capitalist economy can bring.
They are just asking to be left in peace, this is a way of life they want, they just aspire to not be bothered by some statist or taxe collector or other parasite. They are fond of a more local and "free association" way of life. They want to be free, but not at the expenses of others. Thanks to the overall wealth of the society from which they profit, as their simple way of life now allow them to afford the incredibly cheap products that capitalism can produce. It's as simple as that.
For the Bitcoin part though they are not alone to not willing to "add new feature". In the same way that the cohort of Bitcoiners you try to describe in the quote, people advocating for ossification are just asking those who want to change the code to be left alone. We don't want your new features because we don't need them and even think they will harm Bitcoin, but they don't forbid you to fork the code and "innovate", you are free to do it.
To conclude putting "conservative" bitcoiners in the same bag that people being against innovation is completely wrong, it could almost be interpreted as a extremely dishonest argument in order to try to discredit people you disagree with. Bitoiners are pro free market, more than any other people on earth. They welcome any competitor who wants to compete with there product, but they despise and fight the true malicious competitor who try to destroy their product from the inside.
appreciate the nuance, i think you’re generally right