This is, at it's core, a political stance.
You either want all of society to revert, back to days that seem brighter than they are today, or you want it to fail forward fast, hitting a wall and crumbling to the point where something better must rise out of the ashes... And quickly.
The Isaac Asimov classic "Foundation series" was precisely about a galactic empire's struggle of this issue over millennia. But of course we mere humans want to see results within our lifetimes. I choose bitcoin as my accelerationist weapon of choice to make society better. Seasteading would be another major tool I'd employ.
These are both also political tools, not mere technology. They force the world and everyone's behavior in it to transform. Hopefully for the better.
Decelerationists are luddites. Not only do I feel that there simply was not a time behind us worthy of reverting to, but getting back to it requires doing things like removing all the laws from the books that have been added since then. - Something politicians simply do not do under any circumstances. Only acceleration can ultimately remove laws from the books, although historically that was always a bloody undertaking. Hopefully with bitcoin that won't be the case this time.