Hoping it works to send 1sat to SN with no fee as well.
Sats received. Rayito haves a webhook to send an email when payment is successful. Think about it; you can receive sats and traditional messages with only an email account.
Now a question for @bumi and/or @fiatjaf.
Seeing it works well to host .well-known file on a different domain than the callback, can this be relied on in the future and can people do pointers like the one described in this post?
YES. afaik, yes.
LNURL is stateless and the first response tells the wallet the callback URL from which it can get the lighting payment request.
So this is reliable, and also works with any lightning address service.
This also has the nice side-effect that you actually "own" your lightning address and you can at any time change the lightning address service, but keep your address. (because it's your domain)
IMO this should be promoted and more people should be aware of this.
people should just be aware of the downsides: as the file is static it does not auto update and does not reflect any changes in the original file. Dynamic min/max sendable amounts then don't work (but I think this is hardly used)