well said. i guess the growing divide is a signal that we’re somewhere in the middle today… which direction do you think the pendulum is moving?
I believe most of this is coming from a point of Centralization vs Decentralization. The internet has disintermediated the control structure of the past and we are witnessing the breakdown happen.
i see, and do you think there is a clean overlap between acceleration/deceleration and centralization/decentralization?
or is it more accurate to illustrate these ideas on a 2x2 chart where there are spectrums between each extreme?
I think you're on the right path with the 2x2 chart, but I'm not sure if it can be simplified so easily. I personally believe that technology is always going to propel us forward (acceleration) and the way society reacts to the changing technology is either going to be progressive or conservative (depending on how the particular technology effects the population).