Now It's Populism!
Global Debt Reaches Unprecedented $307.4 Trillion
The Institute of International Finance revealed a staggering $307.4 trillion global debt in Q3, with emerging markets hitting an all-time high in debt-to-output ratio. Projections hint at a $310 trillion year-end mark, signaling a concerning 25% surge in five years. Reuters puts this development into the light of ''political populism'' that threatens to elevate this financial challenge... incredible
This article is unfathomably stupid. The upshot, so far as I can tell after reading the whole thing, is that populism is to blame because there would be less esg debt issued. I can't even make sense of this argument if I accept the climate nonsense as true.
has there ever been a global inflation event like this?
And now imagine s.o. (maybe a poor thraumatized guy from Germany) working for over 25 years with these clowns...
Populism can be both left and right-wing, so on the face of it while I don't like most of what Reuters says about economics and finance (constant gaslighting and scapegoating), they are unwittingly onto something here.
The constant clamor for funding solutions against the climate crisis along with pushes worldwide for universal benefits, etc. can certainly fit that bill.
But in more general terms, I find articles from Axios, CNBC, and Reuters to be particularly egregious and moronic. Very hard to take anything they write seriously.